Monday, December 15, 2008
*SPOTLIGHT*: Amber Logan
Student research is the lifeblood of the Ethnography of Diversity in Higher Education (EDHE) at George Mason University. To give a taste of the breadth and range of the research currently underway by students involved with EDHE, every month we spotlight a student researcher and the work that they contribute toward exploring the limitless diversity of campus life at Mason.
Classication: Sophomore
Major: Sociology
Research in her own words:
" For my project I decided to study people who have invisible disabilities. They don't look sick, but in reality they have chronic and/or terminal conditions they have to live with. I wanted to know how they lived with such illnesses on Mason's campus, about their struggles, what challenged them, and how they overcame the obstacle of being a disabled / sick student, while those who don't know them or their condition remained ignorant to the pain and challenges a condition or disease can cause."
How Research Interest Developed:
"The reason I chose this topic is because I also have a chronic illness and wanted to know about others like me"
Sunday, November 2, 2008
We're Going to the ESS!
Session Title: The Meaning and Structure of Lived Diversity in the Context of Higher Education
In terms of “diversity,” institutions of higher education promise change, risk conflict, and try to control both. Drawing on the research of students themselves, this session explores the nature of lived diversity on a college campus.
Deborah Rose Guterbock
Shannon Jacobsen
The focus of this project was to explore how students bring violence to campus through their conversations, use of space, and campus events in order to raise awareness about it and to possibly prevent it from occurring in the future. My research examined how students with different identities and group memberships will join together to fight against violations of space by sanctioning through a variety of methods those individuals who are causing the unease. I investigated how students’ conversations are gendered by paying particular attention to the ways in which men and women define acts of violence and how they know when they have been “violated.” An example of such a violation might be if a student’s identity and beliefs are questioned or if someone imposes on their sense of personal space. This research has allowed me to see the many ways in which students construct and think about violence and how these definitions have implications for their daily behavior and activities on campus.
Belly Dance Coffee House: An Ethnographic Study of a Belly Dance Class
Naliyah Kaya
Given the difficulty, time, monetary commitments, and seemingly little payoff of belly dance, what makes people continue to pursue such a demanding art form? I propose that the class serves three main functions for participants: as a women’s group providing a sense of community, as a form of escapism to reduce stress, and as a place for women to reclaim their sensuality and femininity. These conclusions are the outcome of a 2007 study using ethnographic methods. The research is compiled from approximately two months of classes in which I participated in a weekly adult belly dance technique class with an average class size of three to five women. For those engaging in the non-stop American lifestyle, it is important to re-create time through a relaxing activity. For the core-group of women in my dance class, belly dance served to provide relief from their daily stressors. It became much more than simply a course, it became a community where the women could share, laugh, and provide insight to one another. Humor served as a means of creating closeness and bonding in awkward situations while costumes and dance movements provided a way for the women to discover and /or re-claim their sensuality.
Shamama Moosvi
Valuing Written Accents: The Perspective of the
The main objective of this research was to study the perspectives of university professors on their experiences with and approaches to responding to the writing of non-native students through interviews. The interviews aimed to provide answers to three crucial aspects of the experiences of professors with non-native students: the type of advice professors give to students when they start to write a paper, the principal concerns of professors when grading the writing of non-native students, and how the aforementioned concerns are addressed by professors. The study also incorporated the use of earlier research conducted by Zawacki and Habib as evident in their book Valuing Written Accents: International Voices in the United States Academy in which 26 non-native students were interviewed on their experiences with writing in the United States academy.
Brian Picone
The Importance of Inclusion and the Meaning of Identity in a University’s Pride Alliance
This research focuses on the lived experience of a university’s Pride Alliance members and how the Pride Alliance ensures inclusion. For a community that has experienced exclusion in all areas of social,0020political, and cultural life, inclusion becomes an issue of survival for queer people. Related to this, and driven by engagement with queer theory, is the question of identity and its relation to the Pride Alliance. Queer theory has rendered problematic the notion of stable, fixed sexual identities; the goal of this qualitative research project has been to create space for exploration of the concept of identity. This research attempts to see what meanings Pride Alliance members have created in relation to their identities. The project attempts to build knowledge collaboratively and co-author the story of a group of people who are often studied and criticized, but rarely have the opportunity to speak about what it is actually like to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer on a university campus. Specific curiosities focus on whether people think identity is necessary. Is identity simply a reactionary trap that ends up reworking the queer-identified person into a heterosexist discourse? In other words, is identity "the problem" or is it important to people? Are we ready to do away with identity? How do we ensure the inclusion of many different identities within the queer community and still maintain any type of stable identity categories? This project answers these questions only insofar as such concerns reflect the interests and needs of this specific university queer community.
Hispanic Students at the University: The Effects of Culture in the Academic and Social Dimensions of Life in the College Campus
Sarah Sierralta
In the effort of increasing the understanding of diversity in the college campus, I have chosen to study the growing Hispanic student population. Drawing on participant observation, one-on-one interviews, and focus group discussions, this paper explores the effects of organizational involvement, combined with family, and culture on the rates of involvement and academic success of Hispanic students. It also considers the differences between participants born in the
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
An Ethnographic Study of Diversity in Higher Education
Welcome to the 'Ethnography of Diversity' blog! The four-year project that this blog will showcase is a production of a collaborative, interdisciplinary ethnography on the meaning, construction, and operation of diversity in an institution of higher education (George Mason University). The Diversity Research Group at George Mason is the parent organization for this project.
Under the supervision of faculty from Anthropology, Conflict Resolution, Cultural Studies, NCC, Psychology, Sociology, the Higher Education Program, the Graduate School of Education, and the Writing Center, and in collaboration with relevant university administrative offices and faculty, research is being conducted by graduate students and advanced undergraduate students jointly enrolled in cross-listed topical courses linked to disciplinary research methods courses. Undergraduate students are involved for one academic year, with the expectation that coursework would conclude with a poster or paper presentation at an appropriate professional meeting. Graduate students are expected to present a paper for a professional meeting, complete a publishable article or book reviw and/or outline of a thesis/dissertation proposal.
This blog will allow you to follow the project as it progresses throughout the semesters and throughout the years. We will spotlight a number of the studies currently underway, as a way to give the mason community--as well as anyone else who may be interested--a taste of the myriad areas of inquiry that are being breached by student scholars.
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