Tuesday, October 28, 2008

An Ethnographic Study of Diversity in Higher Education

Welcome to the 'Ethnography of Diversity' blog! The four-year project that this blog will showcase is a production of a collaborative, interdisciplinary ethnography on the meaning, construction, and operation of diversity in an institution of higher education (George Mason University). The Diversity Research Group at George Mason is the parent organization for this project.

Under the supervision of faculty from Anthropology, Conflict Resolution, Cultural Studies, NCC, Psychology, Sociology, the Higher Education Program, the Graduate School of Education, and the Writing Center, and in collaboration with relevant university administrative offices and faculty, research is being conducted by graduate students and advanced undergraduate students jointly enrolled in cross-listed topical courses linked to disciplinary research methods courses. Undergraduate students are involved for one academic year, with the expectation that coursework would conclude with a poster or paper presentation at an appropriate professional meeting. Graduate students are expected to present a paper for a professional meeting, complete a publishable article or book reviw and/or outline of a thesis/dissertation proposal.

This blog will allow you to follow the project as it progresses throughout the semesters and throughout the years. We will spotlight a number of the studies currently underway, as a way to give the mason community--as well as anyone else who may be interested--a taste of the myriad areas of inquiry that are being breached by student scholars.

Please comment!